Hi Doctor, My name is Barbar I have Bilateral Meniere s Disease for about 20 years. I had a great ENT surgeon, we started with ENG s (numerous times) throughout this nightmare. Steroid shots, physical therapy, with valium and finally in 1998-2000, 4 endolymphatic sac shunts( 2 shunts and 2 revision sac shunts). Worked but certain times vertigo, vomiting, dehydration and hospitalization. The doctor tried Ativan and unbelievable! no episodes, and so I ve been on till today. Unfortunately, my doc left ny, went to two more ent surgeons, one retired one moved away. The doctor who s prescribing Ativan now treats me for PTSD, decided he wants to get rid of Ativan, withdrawal. I went through withdrawal before from Ativan ( another doctor who realized she made a mistake and I went through hell, I have Mitro Valve Prolapse on top of the horrible flu like symptoms, withdrawal as well as severe vertigo and voming. I was put back on Ativan, thank God. Meanwhile during the year 2013 tried clonapin, made me too nervous, valium makes me depressed. Why can t anyone understand the Ativan works ( I don t like pills), my GP understands, my neurosurgeons(bad back) understands. I need help, Doctor why do I have to keep explaining, I m afraid.