My son who is 27 has suffered from OCD the last 5 years. He has been in an inpatient exposure response program and private therapy with an OCD specialist for over a year. His obsessions and compulsions are mostly mental. However, spending and returning things seems to be a problem. The past 2 years he has not been able to hold a job in his field-civil engineering (about 8 jobs total). He quits, usually between 2 days to 2 weeks after getting the job, because he has doubts and uncertainty about the job-will he get fired, can he do the job, is it a permanent job. These are just a few. My question is-do we encourage him to stay with the job no matter how anxious he is. He does OK at jobs like busing tables, but says he wants more out of life. But this is a constant Merry go round that he is on. We are trying to courage him to seek therapy again, but is adamant because it has not helped in the past. He is on medication.