I feel pressure in the left upper quadrant of my abdomen. I have PCOS with an A1C that s still within normal limits. I stopped taking my BCP d/t frequent and loose stools (up to 12 x s a day if I inject gluten and 2-6x s if I do not ) and used natural progesterone cream 10mg twice a day for my most recent cycle. Cycle was normal. Could I have an ovarian cyst that s causing my spleen to enlarge (you can see the swelling while looking at my abdomen). Gallbladder? Liver?I m 33 and always with a normal papsmere. I also have a regular cycle with either BCP or natural progesterone cream. I m also typically anemic even with supplements and have low Vit D even with supplements. I have been itchy past few months and experiencing numbness in my hands, arms, legs, feet periodically, particularly tingles in my feet when I sit. I have an extra heart beat sometimes, but the main beat doesn t change. I have fatigue (to be expected with PCOS), but it s increased since swollen spleen. I ve also had temperature dysregulation, where I m freezing for a while and suddenly extremely hot, like my skin is overheating with no change to environment temperature.