I understand your concern.
The basic cause of PCOD is increased
insulin resistance followed by weight gain,
hormonal imbalance & lac of ovulation & collection of immature ovum ,increase in ovarian size & irregular periods/
The treatment there fore is aimed to-reduce the weight by taking low calorie diet with low
glycemic index & high proteins, high fibers, vitamins & minerals ( get advise from dietitian) exercises.
* therefore naturally patients are advised to restrict sugar, your immediate pain in Ovaries following consumption of sweet things therefore can be
- due to some
food intolerance.please
consult a gastroenterologist for that.
- Psychological
phobia of eating sweets may cause it.
- does not have any direct immediate effect on ovary-- But it can increasefat deposition, more hormone disturbance- thus increasing size of ovary & pain.
* Treatment of PCOD -
1 - Weight reduction
- Drugs to remove insulin resistance & help utilization of sugar ( Glumet )
- Exercise to acheive weight reduction.( Brisk wal, swimming, abdominal exercises- under expert advise.
2 Drugs to stimulate ovulation- under a gynecologist care.
- high dose cyclical hormones
- chlomephene citrate
3 Surgery- ovarian drilling .
The treatment regeme to be decided by an expert Endocrinologist/ gynecologist.- Please don't worry-If done seriously- sure to get +ve result.