I was diagnosed with pneumonia and small pleural effusion about a month ago. I was put on an IV and oral antibiotics, received several chest x-rays and a ct scan as well as blood tests and several (negative sputum tests for tb) About 2 weeks ago my chest x-ray appeared normal - pneumonia and pleural effusion were gone. However, I still have fatigue and some milder symptoms much reduced. I have a little phlegm- mostly white or clear, but I believe I detected a little yellow. I went back to my doctor and had another chest x-ray. Totally clear. My doctor put it down to a mild cold, sinusitis, or bronchitis following the pneumonia. Or, I ve read that sputum can continue after the infection clears for awhile. However, as I live in South Korea at the moment, where there is a slightly higher incidence of TB- my doctor continues to do sputum cultures on me. Even though they have been clear multiple times as well as the clear chest x-ray and the responsiveness of my pneumonia to antibiotics. Is this likely just residue of pneumonia or a lesser infection? It seems unlikely to me to have pulmonary tb and clear x-ray and multiple clear sputum cultures.