Hello, I got a bump that looked like a pimple on my abdomen about 6 months ago. It was a small red lump that I was able to squeeze a tiny bit of puss out of it. But, it would not go away. I later squeezed it, and a bunch of clear fluid shot up in the air ( I know.. gross). Now, after leaving it alone for several months, it is ever so slightly red, and almost completely flat, but I can still feel a slight bump. After researching, I think it may be dermafibromas or keratoacanthomas.. But, when I pinch it, the center doesn t really dimple in. There is a pore were my hair grows out of, so it may be a deep ingrown hair, but it doesn t hurt at all. So, this is more a health and cosmetic concern than any type of discomfort. I take care of myself, and never really expose my chest to the sun. Here are three pics of the mark: WWW.WWWW.WW THanks!