I have what my daughter said is a weeping cyst at the bottom of my butt cheek, one to two inches from my vaginal opening. A few days ago, I squeezed some thick white substance from it, but it had previously been very slowly seeping a stinky (disgustingly stinky...) oily residue. I had to squeeze deeply to get the substance out, and couldn t get all of it out. This morning I awoke to the cyst being a large knot about the size of a marble and very sore. The soreness has increased as the day wore on. Should I go the the emergency room or my GP to have it lanced to remove the cyst (with its sac)? Since it is Friday night, will it be okay to wait until Monday. It hurts like the dickens! It would be unbelievably embarrassing if this thing opened up while I was at work.