Hello, I'm a 27 year old male. I am 6'2" and weight approximately 225lbs. In December I hurt my neck while working out. I believe I pinched a nerve. It was extremely painful and caused me to not be able to sleep at night. Since then I believe I have pinched a nerve at least 2 or 3 more times, while working out over the span of the last 5 months. Recently, however, sometimes I will take a harder step then usual while I am running or even walking and I will get an electric shock like sensation (mixture of numbness and tingling). I was hoping someone could explain to me what this might be. I have gone to my doctor 2 times since I first hurt my neck and I feel that I am just being a bother since it doesn't usually hurt when she does her routine to check what movements hurt. I hope someone could help. Thank you in advance.