Hello, I am a 37 yo male. I take the liberty to write to you, as I wanted a 2nd opinion on gastritis I was diagnosed with. After some heavy drinking (I generally never drink at all), I developed abdominal pain and indigestion. Some more symptoms accompanying are heartburn, bloating, belching and sensation of fullness after every small meal. GP prescribed 20mg twice a day of pantoprazole for 3 weeks, without big improvement. Gastroscopy later on found mild spotted erythema in the stomach body, as well as intense erythema with some sparse small erosions on antrum (see attachment). Was put on 40mg Nexium three times a day by my GI and a diet for a 2 week treatment. Biopsy results for H. Pylori still pending. I was also diagnosed with a Hill type II GERD. This is day 3 of treatment. My doctor said that it will go away but since I have been reading about antral gastritis with erosions, my main question is whether these are going to heal or are they irreversible. What is the prognosis? Thank you in advance, /G