Thanks for your query.
Gaining 40 lbs in 5 months is indicative of investigations .
You have been consuming too much of sugary drinks, weight is centered around the abdomen.
dizziness has to be investigated under the care of a Neuro-Otologist.
Pain and discomfort in the on the left abdomen,and lower down the vaginal area with negative
pregnancy test. This is indicative f an infection in the colon or small intestines or an indication of PID-
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.
I would advise you the following in such a situation::
Investigations :
Blood- CBC, sugar in fasting and post-prandial moment, liver and
kidney function and
Tests of urine and stool.
Ultrasonography of the whole abdomen and pelvis to see for any problems of the Fallopian tubes, ovaries , PID and so on.
Consult an ENT to see the reasons for dizziness if the problem is not solved by routine treatment.