Hello Sir, I just have gone through your problem. Being allergic now a days is very common problem because of decreasing immunity and increasing pollution. First of all we have to work on your immune system.
Problems like
allergy are raised because of low immunity. SO to increase your immune level I would like to suggest you some tips:
1. Add dry fruits in your diet like Walnuts, Almonds, Cashew etc.
2. Take a good
Multivitamin capsules from market which includes
antioxidants too.
3. Keep frozen,fried, canned or precooked foods or fruits at bay.
4. Eat healthy and freshly prepared food.
5. Eat fresh fruits specially citrus fruits. Citrus fruits contain vitamin C which helps in building up the immunity.
6. Drink a plenty of water. Keep yourself hydrated.
7. Try to drink hot drinks instead of
cold ones. Cold things aggrevate allergic reactions.
Regarding medicines I would like to prescribe you Ayurvedic medicines..which can be proven to be helpful to you.
1. Laxmivilaas ras 2 bd after meals with one glass full of water.
2. Pratishyaghan wati 1 tds after meals one glass full of water.
3. Afsantees powder 5gm + Giloy satv 1 gm - 2 times with honey empty stomach.
4. Tab soothshekhar ras 2bd after meals with one glass full of water.
5. Add one bay leaf one small cinnamon stick one clove and one black pepper globule in hot boiling water...let them simmer for 10 mins and then take the steam. This will open the airways of your lungs and the breathing will be easy.
I hope above mentioned treatment and remedies will help you. Still if you feel like asking me anything , please contact me
Wish you a speedy recovery.
Dr. Tripat Mehta