Hello dear,
On going through your history, it seems you have a genuine situation and I'll try my best to help you out of it.
Allergy is a disease gifted by God and it is transmitted form one generation to next. Also the Gift lasts for whole life unless addressed properly.
The allergens what ever it may be, be it environmental or dietary or contact, they eventually lead to reaction in blood which then progress to symptoms in nose, ear, throat, skin or lungs.
People (and some doctors also) are ignorant of it and usually try to treat the symptoms and never bother about curing the condition in blood which has a lasting effect.
In my clinic I advise my patient to go for a skin prick test where allergens are introduced into the superficial layer of the skin and the offending one gives a positive reaction by creation of a whale. Now basing on this result,
Immunotherapy can be started in which drops for the specific allergen is taken sublingually for a period of atleast 2 years.The efficacy rate of this treatment is upto 90%.
I advice you to study about this on internet and find a suitable Allergy specialist to address your concern.
I hope I brought some relief to your
anxiety. Please be free to ask me any further doubt regarding this situation.
Thank you for the way you are in my life.
Dr Ipsit Panda