I read your question carefully and I am sorry about the situation you are in.
It is difficult to make recommendations on treatment though because I am not sure she has Alzheimer's. Dementia can have many different causes, Alzheimer's is the most common, but there are other possibilities to be excluded such as
vascular dementia (repeated strokes),
vitamin B12 deficiency,
low thyroid function, Parkinson's disease just to name some common ones.
The fact she manifested symptoms at only 56 is a red flag to consider a diagnosis other than Alzheimer's as it typically occurs later. The
tremor you describe is also not typical for Parkinson, makes stroke, parkinsonian syndromes or vitamin b12 deficiency more likely.
So the way to go is to check what blood tests has she exactly done, have thyroid function and vitamin B12 level been included. Also while a CT might serve to exclude some issues, generally a
MRI is a recommended exam as it gives more info on the atrophied sites or old lesions which could orient the diagnosis. A neurological exam also is needed although I understand the difficulties you are encountering in finding a
neurologist, she should be evaluated for parkinsonian or other neurological signs as well as have some neuropsychological tests to determine what areas of cognition have been more affected.
I hope things work out for the best.