I m 37 years old. Had d and c on Oct.25,2016due to anembroyonic pregnacy.. So I came back to the gyne on Nov. 4, to know the result of my biopsy it has immature placenta with hydropic change and deciduals tissue so after that the gyne said i need to transv. To know what hyropic change mean. And then on my utrasound is normal size uterus and ovaries. Thick endometrium. The doc. Give me methergine to contract my uterus and expel all the tissues she said. And then on Dec. 3, 2016 i had my period but it is light not heavy,and after the red change it to brownish . And it last until Dec 17. So i go back to the gyne and i had ultrasound with thick endometrium too. The doctor said i need a d and c again to clean my endometrium. But i said to my gyne is dont because Xmas is coming i have a many commitment. So i schedule it on January 2017, but i had my period again on Dec. 31 1st three days brownish and 4to 6 days is normal flow with small cloth and some tissues. And then after that change it to brownish again until now it still brownish. What can i do? I did not go to the gyne right now coz I m scared to d and c again.