Hi, I am Gunjan from India. Before 6 month I was having small pimples near anal point with little bleeding with stool. I consulted one gastrology surgeon and he per his conclusion, I was having ANAL FISURES. He gave me a tube which contains Nefedine and Ledocaine and a syrup to solve digesting issue. That tube really worked for me. But after that, I again started facing issues with Fisures. I am using the same tube. This happens again and again. And the symptoms are as below : 1 Small Pimple on ANAL point 2 Feeling of pain and stress while stool. 3 Internal burning when I sit on computer chair. 4 And at the same time, feelings like urinary burning. But Urinary burning happens only after anal problems. Can you please help to me to solve my problem ? Should I continue to using this cream ? Thanks, Gunjan Shah.