can you help me?
Hello I am a 23year old female. I am 5'2 and obese. I think I weigh 240 but it does not hinder me. I have asthma and depression. I recently was sick.first I had a very bad cold which I attributed to the change of weather. I was better for a day and then my asthma started up. I couldn't breathe and was wheezing. I was coughing so bad and so much I had stomach pains. Then last week my anal area started to hurt. I noticed it when I used the bathroom but I ignored it,figuring it would go away. It didn't. The pain got so severe that I at guest seemed to couldn't sit,walk,lay down e.t.c... it just hurt. I noticed that my left buttock was swollen. I can't use the bathroom because I can't sit. this is embarrassing for me,but I can't control my bladder because I can't clench my buttocks together. There is no blood in my stool. I've been sitting in hot baths which at first seemed to soothe me but now it's making it worse. three days ago I started taking Aleve to help with the pain. It helped at first. the pain had lessened and the swelling went down. But I noticed on my left buttock ,starting near my anal entrance there is a large swelling. I'm not sure what to call it, but it is huge and I fear that it it's some type of huge blister. It Burns. I can't get to a hospital. I can't move. Please it's there anything you can tell me about this? I went through a 24 pill bottle of Aleve within three days, I can't sleep, eat e.t.c..I am scared.