As your son is having
asthma so these measures may help.
Avoid exposure to dust , mite , pests ( cockroaches ) , pollen , hay , fodder , molds , fine dusting powder , sudden fall and rise of temperature because these are triggering factor of asthma .
Measures to reduce exposure to indoor allergens
Wash all bed covers in hot cycle ( 60 C ) every week.
Treat carpets with acricides or
tannic acid .
Clean upholstered furniture thoroughly or replace with leather .
Replace curtains /blinds or easily washable curtains.
Hot wash / freeze soft toys.
Use vacuum cleaner .
Install A /C or dehumidifier .
When such patient visit with asthma I advise my patient to take montelekast+ bambuterole tablet( 0.2 mg / kg body weight of each tablet) once or twice in day depending on severity of symptoms .
Usually my patient respond this treatment very well and don't require any inhalers . I don't know much about
Hope this will be helpful for you.