Three years ago I went to the dermatologist with blistering lesions all over my buttocks and thighs, and the upper part of the back of my neck. I also have very white scarring all around the underside of my jaw on either side. I was told I should keep my hands off it and that even if it itched, which it did, I should not touch it because I was spreading it. The dermatologist never prescribed so much as a cream and told me it was more of an obsessive compulsive thing. Unsatisfied I went to another dermatologist, pulled down my pants to show the horrible staph-like mess on my butt only to be told she could not biopsy a legion unless it was a fresh urns ratchet blister and if another one appeared I could go back to her office for a biopsy. Last I went to a third dermatologist who could see the scarring on my face, the open cuts on my upper neck and shoulders and told him about my butt, which is now scarred. He felt that the itching and outbreak was probably due to depression, possibly menopause, and gave me a trial of doxycycline. Over the last three years, this problem has made me ashamed to wear shorts or a bathing suit with all the scarring on my thighs and neck and face. I can no longer wear my hair up people ask me what s wrong. I truly am now wondering if I have become gluten intolerant in the last three years and this Ida result. How and should I be tested?