Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
Unfortunately, your symptoms are extremely consistent with
genital herpes. Herpes causes sores that appear like blisters, generally in 1 single cluster or area, associated with pain (worse pain than it would seem from such a small area),
tingling and/or itching. They can be brought on by skin breaking due to shaving in an area, so it is possible that trauma to the area from shaving allowed to herpes virus to be introduced into your skin.
The best way to find out if these lesions are due to herpes is by having a physical examination by physician, who can take a culture for the virus from the sores themselves. In addition, a
blood test can be performed to determine if you have
antibodies to herpes (which can tell if and when you were infected). Treatment with an
antiviral medication will help the sores heal faster and reduce any pain.
90 percent of infected individuals with herpes have no symptoms, so it is possible that your partner may have the disease and not know it. In addition, the type of herpes that causes cold sores in the mouth can be transmitted to the genitals via
oral sex.
So in summary, your symptoms are extremely consistent with a herpes outbreak. There are not many other disorders that cause blisters to form on the
vulva. You will need a physical examination and some tests to confirm the diagnosis.
I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today and that my advice was helpful.
Best wishes,
Dr. Brown