digestive system
Hi. Im a 37 year old female. I am 5'4 and weigh 165 pounds. I have no major health problems. Here is my concern....
For going on 3 weeks, Ive noticed bloating in my upper mid quadrant. It comes and goes daily. My job requires me to sit at a computer 8 hours a day and while sitting, Ive noticed when ever Im bloated, contraction like feelings tightening for an extended period of time. I dont feel this tightening when ever I am up and moving around. I dont really have pain on my belly, just dicomfort. I also have had constipation at times. When ever I do have a bowel movement (small to medium, once a day or every other day) but I just dont feel as though "everything" is coming out. Ive tried a fleet enema twice, one that included a natural oil in it. Ive tried sennosides, and magnesium solfate several times. Nothing seems to help. At times Ive had fatigue and slight nausea but no vomiting. Could you tell me what this might be? Do you have any suggestions for treatment. Any insight you have would be greatly appreciated. Im starting to get worried.