I am 21 years old and earlier this year I suffered from septic shock due to a ruptured infected ovarian cyst within my abdomen. I had my right ovary removed and nearly died, so it s understandable that I m querying my issue. I ve been feeling generally unwell for a few days now, along with a horrible tickly cough. My right shoulder joint has a dull ache, my right knee began to ache for a short while too. I ve just been to the little girls room and noticed a stripe of fresh, red blood in my underwear and blood on the tissue when I wiped. It hurts to urinate, but I don t get any sudden urgency to urinate like I would with a UTI. However, I do find myself bowling over in pain after standing up from the toilet, which last for around 10-20 seconds. I can book in with my GP tomorrow morning but right now, I m just worried. Is there anything you would suggest?