When you have implants and contracted Staph and allergic to
Sulpha, you and your doctor have to be extra careful.
I would not comment since issue is sensitive and clinical approach is best at every step, I would say - for which I m extremely confident, to start taking Turmeric in warm milk or warm water or get capsules of it ( named HARIDRA by Himalya co.) and start using regularly. This natural wonder is bacteriostatic, antiinflammatory,
analgesic, healer, anti allergic and what not ! A classical preparation found all over India viz Haridra Khand is choicest here. It's not palatable and flavoured and you have to make extra efforts to find it.
Can be used parallel to other drugs, no interaction, no side effects, totally safe n economic and result oriented. You have to take for quite a few weeks. Then if you do not find comfort, you have all the right to opt out from Naturals.
Hope its sufficient guidance for your betterment.