It seems that you are uncertain about following.
1)Whether there is any infection at puncture site?
Bruise gone unnoticed
3)Whether there is any chance to develop gangrene?
4)Have to wait and watch?
Answers are here..
first of all u have not mentioned that whether u have been prescribed any painkillers or not. Neither you have mentioned the name of antibiotic.
1) If u have developed any infection at your wound site, u probably have developed
fever, which u have not mentioned about.
2)Bruise is called "delayed bruise" as it develops after about certain time of actual impact. If it is of purple colour, its in the phase of healing. No treatment required for that except painkillers.
3)There is a chance to develop gangrene , when you leave your wound in unhygienic condition, do not take proper antibiotics, already have undiagnosed
diabetes. Otherwise there is negligible chance.
4)If pain is unbearable there is no choice for wait and watch.
Anyway if you have consulted an ortho.surgeon , He must have given you painkillers, if surely not you should consult him.
I am not suggesting you any painkiller online, because i do not know your gastric history.
Get well soon.