I read your question carefully more than once but unfortunately I am afraid it was really difficult to understand what really happened to you.
You speak of treating
cerebral edema, which can have many different causes (
stroke, tumor, infection) which must be identified and treated accordingly.
Then you say you waited for a month to visit the emergency room which makes the cerebral edema a little questionable because it is a very serious finding with the patient often in a coma.
Afterwards you say you had no tests but a MRI, which actually is the best test to detect edema, but tell us nothing of its findings. You close it out telling us to have taken treatment by
allergy doctor and got better.
So I as a doctor started out thinking you had a dramatic life threatening condition like
encephalitis and ended up thinking it looked like the more benign
sinusitis or
So please try to ask your question again. Try to avoid fancy medical terms like cerebral edema which might not be correct, and tell us your symptoms in plain simple words (headache,
vomiting, nose congestion and discharge, fever etc) using as many details as possible to describe their onset, character and frequency. Include also your age, previous conditions and results of tests like MRI.
Me or my colleagues would love to help you but you have to help us to evaluate your case properly.