thank you for providing the brief history of your son.
since you mentioned he had and infarct in the brain which is the
basal ganglia, these are some of the symptoms he is facing.
Dystonia - meaning to understand in lamen words as dysfunction in the tone of muscles.
also you mentioned about baclofen and Steroids. last but not least is the botox.
well to mention that medicine are symptomatic and all did work on the symptom basic platform.
you need to even try out a
physical therapy. as your
neurologist have done all the best of his ability to help your child. now when medicine is given it is to support the normal physiological system and the healing of tissues takes place. Certain time bodys
metabolism and immune system are little slower where the medicine boost stays for time being.
also to mention that physical therapy will help learn the movements and help reduce the tone as well.
for which please see if you can meet up a physical therapist who can assess your son and start the treatment initially for pain relief. The use of therapeutic
ultrasound and TENS will help reduce pain. post that a little of general exercises will be planned.
excercise will help to many things and few I am mentioning.
like it ll improve the
muscle tone, improve the the strength in muscles, reduce the fatigue time, improve the balance and coordination, improve the metabolism, improve the immune system as well, etc.
usually in most of the Neurological cases physical therapy plays a role too. and most of the patient gets helped as well.
I will recommend you to look for a physical therapist and take some help.
with the grace of God I wish your son a good health