Hello, I am 53 years old, non smoker. always been fit, however, after returning from a holiday in Majorca 5 years ago i got a chest infection with a cough, Since then I have had regular chest infections and received antibiotics from my doctor, on ocassions i have had to take a second lot of a different type as it does not clear. Sometimes it could be a couple of weeks later and it all starts again. I have cough on a daily basis. The doctor said I have Asthma, however, i continue to bark like a seal and cough up phlem which is yellow/green, when this clears it is clear but continual. I take singular every night, seratide inhayler 250 - 2 puffs twice a day and a nasal spary twice a day. My doctorgave me a course of tablets for reflux in case this was the cause. I have just had a 3 week course of antibiotice to get me over Xmas, however, since they stopped i have been coughing very badly and bringing up phlem again, this has caused me to be off work. Doctor has given me a oxygen level test and that was normal. My peak flow is normally 450. This has been ongoing and is now affecting my quality of life and work. I would appreciate some advise please. Thankyou Karen.