Brief Answer: Your aunt may need more anti-failure treatment, salt restriction and may be an anti-failure device
Explanation: My opinion is that congestive
heart failure mainstay treatment is
diuretic,anti-failure drugs, salt restriction. some times when
ejection fraction of the heart is too low we may intervene with anti-failure devices that may enhance heart condition this type of treatment has certain indications as not all patients are suitable for that kind of treatment. Stool and urine color you mentioned means your aunt mostly has
obstructive jaundice, you need to check that with your doctors.
I suggest my patients the following: salt restriction and adherence to anti-failure treatment is mandatory.
The information provided by you is not sufficient to provide a good opinion. If someone comes to me with this condition I would ask them about the
echocardiography data and electrocardiograph if available.
Conclusion: I suggest you check with your aunt physician
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Mahmmad Gamal