I m an 18 year old female with a history of Bulimia during high school. It s been about six months since any episode of binging/purging. For about two years I ve had this chronic cough that will not go away with medication or time, and recently, it s gotten much worse. It sometimes produces a green/yellow mucus, other times, not at all. It s uncontrollable and is almost a tickling sensation that can last for hours, and on and off throughout the day. Also, I ve recently noticed a slightly painful nodule on the upper, right part of my mouth. It s about the size of a pea under the skin, and is very hard. It also makes it difficult to swallow. Next to is is a smallish, ribbed hole that occasionally tastes like acid. At the same time the nodule was noticed, I ve been getting ear aches as well. I ve been put on Protonix, and then taken off of them because my doctor thinks it s a sinus issue, even though I do get very bad reflux at times. I ve asked for a biopsy of the nodule and also a Barium Swallow, to rule out anything with my esophagus, but he refuses to do so. I am now in between doctors, and am looking for some other opinion. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you for your time.