Hello, I had my 3rd baby 5 months ago and I had gestational diabetes with that pregnancy. I went to the doctors a couple of weeks ago and I took a fasting glucose check and my number was 113. My doctor didn t seem to be to concern just wants to see me in 6 months, excersice, watch what I eat. But I am very concerned thinking I should get a second opinion? Seek a different doctor? Considering I don t have history of diabetes in family, I have lost all my baby weight and extra 10 pounds, very painful for me to excercise suffer from fibromyalgia, and watch carb intake because of fibromyalgia. I m worried something maybe going on with my body and I want to prevent diabetes if I can. I just cant even handle the thought of having fibromyalgia and diabetes. I struggle very hard with fibromyalgia dealing with chronic migraines, chronic fatigue, numbness and tingling in arms, hands, legs, just constant excruciating pain in neck, shoulders, and back.