Hi,I was asking one of your colleagues about my 30year old chronic sinusitis problem.I had an MRI s few years ago and was told my sinuses were clear.He ignored my GP letter detailing persistent and chronic infection,bilateral scarring of eardrums and severe tinnitus.She and I feel that if the Eustachian tubes were scraped and cleared I might not suffer so much congestion and pressure around the bridge of my nose.My GP has another patient with a similar clear MTI of sinuses and this scraping and cleaning of nasal tubes is effective for her.Your colleague mentioned the possibility of vaso motor rhinitis..could you explain that to me.I get infection every 2months approximately,have tried elimination diet,neti pot,steam inhalation,supplements .all avenues tried.Doctors have commented on my very narrow bridge of nose and very narrow nasal openings..they likened them to slits.I always feel like the gunge is stuck in the tube under my eyes and close to my nose..despite drinking pints of water daily its almost impossible to get the gunge out..hence infections.To me it seems logical to scrape the tubes,there has to be huge build up from years of infection My ear problem is worsening,with fluid in middle ear,tinnitus and vertigo.Would really appreciate your opinion,very interested to know what vaso motor rhinitis is which your colleague mentioned.Thanks for reading this.Incidentally good bloods..normal haemoglobin,some gluten sensitivity which I address,recently diagnosed with RT3 problem with thyroid gland,,after years of having hypo symptoms but normal basic tests,endocrinologist sent bloods to France,came back with FreeT3 to RT3 ratio of 2.4...it should be over 20.And DHEA of 6.2...range is 3.4 to 33.On liothyronine 3 months and the difference is amazing.I,ve had CFS/ME for 2yrs,finally getting somewhere.Again thanks in advance..Maria Kelly