I have had chronic sinusitis for about 8 years. We have tried everything; numerous antibiotics, steroids, nasal irrigation which I do twice a day, many different supplements, balloon Sinuplasty, I was tested for allergies (only positive to mold), antihistimes, NOTHING has helped to rid me of these sinus infections. Some give temporary relief, but the infection never really goes away. And then it just seems to rev up again and I get these horrible sinus headaches. I have even tried Manuka honey rinses to break up the biofilm but that didn t help either. I just found out I have Hashimoto s thyroidisis and I m wondering if there s a link? I am tired a lot but I m also a mom. I a normal weight, and I am an otherwise very healthy person. I do yoga, I eat healthy (no gluten, little dairy, little meat...) I eat lots of fruits and veggies and I cut out wheat. I m trying to find a diet that will help with the Hashimoto s but I don t know what to eliminate exactly. I m so sick of being sick and although I really like my ENT, I feel like all she can do is prescribe antibiotics, steroids, and do surgery. None of which really solve my problem.