Hi...Greetings form Chennai...this recurrent
cough and
cold could be a recurrent wheeze too. No point in using antibiotics for every cough and cold. these are mainly allergic and not infectious and antibiotics are not going to help.
Your kid could be having viral associated wheeze or multi triggered wheeze. I have a few questions for you -
1. How many days per month does she cough or feel breathless?
2. How many nights per month does her sleep get disturbed due to above symptoms?
3. Does she feel breathless when she runs around or plays with other kids?
4. Are the symptoms when there are seasonal changes?
5. Is there any family history of
asthma or any other sort of allergies like
skin allergy etc.?
6. Is the cough always associated with fever?
If your answer is yes for any of the above questions, your kid might be having viral associated
wheezing or multi triggered wheezing and I suggest you meet a paediatric pulmonologist who is near your place. No point in using antibiotics every time. It will do more harm than good by increasing bacterial resistance.