HI, I have been out for about two weeks now. It started with sensitivity to cold and a mild headache. The day after, in the evening, my fever spiked to 103.6-9. I ve been taking ibuprofen every 4-6 hours. At night I get really cold to the point that I am shaking and shivering. Then at some point I get too hot and get more comfortable, when I wake, I have sweated through my clothes, and my sheets. For the past week I have been feeling fantastic every morning and not registering a temperature until the evening where my temperature spikes between 101-- 103. I went to my doctor and he tested me for the flu, which showed up negative. He prescribed Tamiflu anyway. I have about 2 doses left and was feeling great all day until my fever again spiked to 103.8. I was near the fire place but it did not immediately come down after moving. I am really trying to figure whatever I have out! please, if you have any ideas I really need your help! thank you! sincerely Emilie