A bit long; thx in advance. Lots of factors here. Got sick w/ what seemed like a normal cold + sinus infection about 2.5 wks ago. Had low grade fever @ beginning; went away within 24 hrs. Have depressed immune system (I have RA & take Humira & methotrexate) & I get sinus infections often enough that my docs let me keep 1 full round of antibiotics on hand. (I know there are differing opinions on whether antibiotics work for sinus infections; have already discussed both sides @ length w/ my PCP & RA docs, & they trust me to make the call on whether a particular sinus infection warrants antibiotics myself. I know what difference between sinus infection & regular cold feels like for me.) Felt like a sinus infection trying to settle in, so I took a Z-Pack. Was a good call; sinuses cleared up same way they normally do when it's a SI. The continuing problem: Have been coughing (semi-productive cough) the whole time & am about to lose my mind. FEEL like coughing constantly, but usually manage to suppress it. Still do go into major coughing fits though; pressure in head when I do feels like my head is about to explode. No whooping sound though. Am also hoarse all the time, but no sore throat. Got pneumonia 2 yrs ago, FYI; am not feeling anywhere near as crummy as I did then though. The question: in my situation, how much longer should I wait before going to the doctor? EVERYONE @ work has the same cough, and I don't want to go unnecessarily, but I know I need to be a bit more cautious than your average person. Advice?