Sunday morning I awoke with what seemed like slight irritation in my left eye. Later that morning, I was with my daughter and when she looked at me, she said it might be pink eye. Her little girls had it at one time so she was familiar with what it looked like. She had a prescription of drops and after consulting a pharmacist yesterday, I starting putting drops into that eye every 3 hours for 3 days (?). After that I was instructed to continue using the drops 3 times a day for 3 (or 4?) times a day. Yesterday the infection spread to my right eye also! Very annoying! My symptoms are red eyes especially around the edges, irritation, some discharge, and sometimes some itching. The pharmacist told me the symptoms could last up to 7 days. After reading what I wrote above and perhaps also concluding conjunctivitis is what I most likely have, how long do you think I could be contagious? I have an elderly, very fragile mother who I usually spend several hours a day with. But KNOW I do not want her or anyone else to get this...although a friend visited me Sunday night and it sounds like he was starting the infection this a.m. Also, do you agree that every 3 hours a day for 3 days and then 3 times a day for 3 or 4 days after is what I should be using??? Thank you sooooo very much!