my husband came home from the hospital with C-Diff and has been treated with flagyl 2 times,,,,,,but still had direaher and when tested the third was negatgive for c-diff. however, he has had constant direaher(?) every since....almost a year now. what can be done......a friend suggested lomotil and dr said yes. all it did so far if made the stool thiner and lighter in color. Before lomotil, he was on Chloestramine powder....... worked good for a while.....then got constipated......cimuld he have an impaction???? Let me know , thanks betty guillotHis before lomotil was thicker and darker.....then it got watery with thin layer of stool floating in toilet ......this may be wrong but I gave some cascarsagrata thinking he me have a blockage.....he just went to bathroom and a piece of poop about the size of his toilet.