Thanks for your query.
Noted the history of feeling that the stomach is right up in the chest, lost the waist, right side sagging as seen in mirror. Stool sometimes is like hard pellets and sometimes looser and easier. Takes Alendronic and
calcichew. Has a fall in January and crushed the 12 th thoracic vertebra, Have problem of
constipation with Cocodamol, causing more of a discomfort than pain. Thinks of hernia.
You detailed history is suggestive of the following:
The crush
fracture of 12th thoracic vertebra might have cause the neurological problem on the right side causing the loss of
nerve supply to that area of the abdomen which looks sagging, like eventration and not a true hernia; get a neurological evaluation and plan a treatment accordingly for the fracture stabilization that may be required for stability as well as for avoiding further neurological problems.
The feeling of abdomen in chest is indicative of a possibility of a large
hiatus hernia or eventration of diaphragm.For the diagnosis I would advise you the following:
X-ray of the abdomen in standing position.
CT scan of the chest and abdomen and to get a diagnosis and if present, to get the surgery planned for this too.
Take regular laxatives and have clear evacuation.