Hi, My son is 1.4 yrs old, weighing 12.5 Kgs. Today, he is suffering again from chest congestion and cough, today morning when we measured his temperature it was 99.7 F, so a little fever too. History ======= In the last week (8-Aug to 17-Aug 14) he was having high fever 101-102 F (8-13 Aug) with cold and cough. One of the Pediatrician to whom we consult gave following medicine to him, after which by 14-Aug he was recovering well, in-fact there was no fever after 14-Aug, and he was all good by 18-Aug. Medicine: ========== 1. Clamp KID from Dr. Reddy s (3.5 ml twice a day for 5 days) 2. Relent + (4ml twice a day) for 3-5 days 3. Ambrodil S (6ml twice a day) for 3-5 days Now, that he is AGAIN have cold and cough with a little fever too, wondering what should be done next. Thanks, Paresh