Within the last month or so I noticed that the skin on my left elbow, below the joint (forearm), was turning a darker shade and has begun peeling. I don t notice any discomfort or overly dry skin, and the area that is darkening is about 1.5 x4 or so. When I first noticed it, there were scabs on that elbow that I could not remember a cause for, but in the last few weeks the scabs have disappeared. I am a 29yr old male, 5 11 tall, 200lbs, caucasian. I have no serious medical conditions that I know of, but do suffer from mild asthma, ADHD, seasonal allergies, and about 1yr ago I had what I believe to be a gout attack . As for family/hereditary medical conditions, I know of high blood pressure and gout, but nothing else comes to mind.