I have degenerative disk disease (chronic pain, multiple surgeries/spinal fusion, prescription narcotics, etc) Also, I had a heart attack 3 years ago due to a blocked RCA. It required a stent, but my other arteries where ok and and my heart had no serious or permanent damage. I have made a huge change in lifestyle and every checkup/test has come back saying I am in great health. However, no matter what we have tried, I cannot sleep at night due to the back, leg and arm pain from my DDD. Prescription drugs have not helped, so my pain management doctor said it was ok for me to try medical marijuana. I do not plan on smoking it, as there are other ways to ingest cannabinoids, but I thought that I should ask a cardiologist (my heart doc is booked for weeks in advance and I am getting desperate for sleep, I don t want to wait 3 months to ask him). So, is medical marijuana ok for someone in my situation?