My mother 73 years age suffers from problems with walking, movement, depression, anxiety. She is under psychiatrict treatment. For last 16 months following neuro medicines are continuing : i) Shimin 25 ii)Dimip 10 iii)Szetalo 10 Along with the above , due to pressure and swelling of feet the following medicines were given : i)Lossar 50 ii) Dytor Plus 10 On 17.3. 14 , a paralytic fit observed where she felt numbness and loss of control on her left side and following medicines were added : i)Stator 10 ii) Deplatt A 75 During this time she was also undergoing physiotherapy. But symptoms like extreme restlessness continued . Hence she went to consult another neuro. On 3.5. 14 for restlessness etc examined by this Neuro Psychoatrist and the earlier 3medicines (Shimin, Dimip, Stezallo) were stopped and the following 3 were started : i)Pramipex (0.25) ii)Azil (5) iii) Tetrafol NAC But after 3 days of taking these medicines, she became totally invalid and could not even get up from bed without help and fell down whenever she tried on her own. House physician was called and these 3 medicines stopped . And the old medicines started. At present following medications are being taken :-- i) Esoz 40. (ii) Elthroxin 50 .(iii) Syndopa 110 . (iv) Losar 50. (v) Dytor Plus 10. (vi)Stator 10 . (vii) Deplatt A 75 . (viii) Shimin 25 . (ix) Dimip 10 (x) Szetalo 10 . Still She cannnot move without help and experiencing extreme restlessnes and shaking hands, neck, body all the time. trembling of lower lip observed. Please advise correct tretment.