I have terrible trouble sleeping,it s been going on 12-14 years,i went to GP several years ago and was referred to a neurologist. I had tests done,an MRI scan of my brain and it was inconclusive as to what is causing it,he wanted to put me on medication to help me sleep,but refused as i a deep problem/phobia with medication/drugs,because my father committed suicide in 1974 with a drug overdose following depression from a nervous breakdown in approx 1968. For nearly 5 years i have worked a shift pattern of approximately 16:00-03:00 for 4 night a week,i now feel i am ready to accept some form of medication to help me sleep as it is now affecting parts of my daily life through sleep deprivation,i have also had a couple of near misses on my 3 hour driving home after my last shift, I know it seems a lot in this,but tried to keep it as brief as possible