Hi my name is Blanca. My daughter she is diagnosed with depression, and she also has anxiety,neck pain a little back pain, and really hard time slepping? We have tried medication for depression and it makes her sick? For slepping we have tried all type of sleepy tea and also again medicine but it does not work at all! My daughter and i looked for other methods to see if they came help and we came across medical marijuana, but she says she does not like to smoke? So me and her looked for a other way and it said there is foods, and she said she will be willing to try. I agreed because i just want her to feel better and not be depressed any longer? We do have a physicist but i dont know what i say to her? My question i want to ask you is Can a minor a 14 year old get a medical marijuana card with my supervision and permissions? Can i the mother get in trouble by asking? I really need a answer thank you