I am a 4th grade teacher with a concern about a student. The parents have been worried for several years that their son is not progressing, but rather is regressing in what he s learning. He struggles with retention and basic comprehension, both verbal and written. If I ask him to use the glossary to write definitions for all of his vocab words, and also to choose to words to use in a sentence, he can t seem to understand that there are 2 separate directions so he only does the work for 2 words. He already has an IEP, receives services in Reading, Math, and Speech (I can t understand how he didn t qualify for Writing, though). The only advice he got from the doctor recently was to start his son on coconut oil. His vision and hearing are fine, he does not get headaches, he is very active and athletic (he does great at all sports), but he struggles so much in school and because he is labeled as Special Ed, he keeps getting passed on even though he s really not meeting the grade level indicators. I really feel for this dad and wish I could find him the help he needs...he and his wife almost divorced so that she could qualify for welfare to have more testing done because right now, he makes too much money (which isn t a lot as a city bus driver) to qualify! I suggested that maybe he needs to see a neurologist, or at least have some sort of look at his brain to see if there is something going on that we can t see on the outside. Clearly I m not a doctor, but can you please help me with some advice of how to help this man help his son? I really need to find a way to help him so he doesn t go through yet another year hearing we re doing all we can; he s progressing slowly; he ll catch up - because I don t think he will catch up. Please. Help. Us...