my dad was injured at work 11 years ago; crushed his heel and his (lower) 4th vertebra. The doctor tried cement in his back but it just leaked out. My dad was put on oxycotin/oxycodine and the dosage has continued to rise over the years. He is now on 80 mg 3x day for several years. when he runs out he goes through horrible withdrawl and has halluinations and nearly died. we convinced him this time to go to a nursing home for therapy and reduce the amount of oxy. he was down to 30 mg. 2x daily. However, he is double dosing on them, by his own admission. He was recommended a new doctor, but is going back to his original pain management doctor to get the 180/daily. My dad has expressed how thats the only thing that relieves pain completely, and the pain in his legs from diabetes, and how it gives him a "good feeling". He's also said he cant wait to get to the next one to "feel good". He has admitted he would rather shoot his brains out (and he has the guns to do it) than to go without it. First, what can I do for my dad? and Second, I've told the doctor dad had overdosed before and he still prescribes it after threatening not to. Is he at fault for continuing my dad's dependency/addiction?