Hi sir, i am sumit bhatt and i am suffering from throat issue from last eight weeks, my life is sucked. i was in gym , it was my fifth day and after a excercise i feel tightness in my throat and that day i didt eat as i was unable to swallow i also got fever, then a lump like sensation comes and also pain in throat i was admitted in hospital, for one week i coudnt eat. ENT specialist told that it is infection and they gave me antibiotics but i did not improve, also did Endoscopy but nothing comes out. After that one more ENT doc told that it is LPR acid reflux, i took ppi for more than one month but no improvement also after that one more month ppi vitamin c tabs etc. i feel pain while speaking i cant speak loud and for long time. also felt great diffuculty while eating. Now i eat with slight difficulty but to speak i fear as it cause pain. ENT doc examined vocal cord and said that it is red and congestion is there. I wonder that how it all happen in one day after exercising a bit more. What is the link and now what is the proper solution i am hopeless. Please help me.