I understand your concern. The
dry cough you have seems to be remnent of the
cold &
fever you had before.
This type of cough is mostly due to-
allergy causing raised eosinophills( type of
white blood cell) which needs to be diagnosed by blood TLC/DLC count.
_Inflammation of tonsils due to infection
-infection of lungs
For treatment physical examination & investigations like blood check up/ X ray
are done as per need. A specific treatment is given to cure the problem.
Mostly antibiotic, anti allergic, diethylcabamazine pills,cough syrups, vitamin B complex is given as per the findings.
The treatment to be undertaken under a physician/treating gynecologist's guidance.
Take nonspicy,easy to digest food 7 plenty of water.
Avoid ice cold things/sour things/food that irritates throat,
Hot saline gargles would help,