I have RUQ pain. It initially started after my PCP switched me from Metformin to Janumet. The pain started 3 days after starting this medication. Stopped med on 4th day and went back on Metformin. Blood work showed elevated Liver enzymes...low 100 s. Pain continues to be interrmittent. Does not go thru to the back. No nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.. No major weight loss. All vital signs normal. I had CT with contrast of the abdomen which is normal (small fatty infiltrate of liver). PMH: Endometral CA (had hysterectomy), DM Type II, Thyroidectomy (non-cancer). My question is....could this be pancreatic cancer?? I am not seeing the symptoms, but I am concerned..or if not ... what??... where do I go from here?