I have late stage copd, past smoker, quit 16 yrs. ago. My parents and childhood Dr are now dead. My first pulmo dr told I had come into something more than cigs because of my scarring and other signs, I was then 44. I had numerous strept throat infs in grade school, until tonsillectomy when I was 14. Not too many yrs later, I began the usual, just peer pressure. I am the oldest child of 4, all or breathed 2nd hand, no one comes close to me. I am dying younger than my bio parents. Some thing has always seemed strange to me about Clorox! I asked my mothers older sisters, said no, yrs ago, forgot it! Asked my younger aunt just recently, she said yes . You got into it when your sis was a baby, you were a toddler not even quite 2 Sorry, got carried away, could this the original culprit?