Hi...I have a problem of Endometriosis and IBS. I have ahd 1 laproscopy in the past. I have one child now after doing IUI. I got the problem back 1 year after my delivery. It has been 4 years now. Since last October, I am on the Hormonal therapy...Have completed 5 injections. I am taking them after every 6 weeks. But after 4 weeks or so, I start getting pain back in lower abdomen and lower back...and have to take pain killer....my doctor says that after 6 injections, we will have to take a break of 6 months....I can get my periods back during those 6 months but pain should not be there....but looking at the current situation, I think the pain will be abck...in that case, is there any other treatment that I can take since I cant take injections during that time? I am 34 Ys old.